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Essentially, it has all of the advantages of building social capital while strengthening the weak "friendship"
ties that exist within sites like MySpace and Facebook. Other times, communities spring up based
on interests in sports, or around how people self-identify, as is often the case with
gamers, veterans, and seniors.As our methods of communication are changing, experts continue to debate the
impact that sites like MySpace, Facebook, and MyFaceLive have on the fabric of our society.
In other words, users move beyond the often-anonymous world of most social networking sites and
literally see their "friends" eye to eye.A visual social network typically offers groups for gamers,
seniors, veterans, sports enthusiasts, and those with other common interests, along with downloadable videos, music,
toolbars, and screensavers. Other experts note that, requin tn contrary to reports in the media, technology has
made people more connected with one another; those relationships have simply moved out of the
realm of face-to-face contact and into the online world.Yet there remain vocal critics of the
social networking phenomenon. It's indisputable that social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook have changed
the landscape of the Internet - and of communication itself. Like established communities in the
"real" world, communities in the virtual world come together and disband based on common interests,
common friends, and common belief systems. This type of next-generation social networking combines the profiles
and features of traditional social networking sites with live, clear video chat. In other words,
people have an exponentially greater number of "friends," but those relationships are weak compared Tn Requin with,
for example, the tight bond that comes from sharing real-world experiences with those who truly
care about you.There are also those who acknowledge and commend the latest development in social
networking: the visual social network. But the key differentiating factor is that these kinds of
networks incorporate video chat so that "friends" can talk face to face.This type of social
networking site points to the future of online community building and communication. For example, researchers
who have studied why university students use a social network have found that it increases
what is termed "social capital." Like the ways in which traditional business networking helps people
in their careers, students using such sites have increased access to diverse information and develop
more and stronger relationships. While social networking will continue to have an enormous impact on
they way we interact, it's clear that the trend is moving toward forming strong bonds
with those with whom we connect - even if they're half a world away.Chris Robertson
is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies
on the web. Like old-time Sunday afternoon strolls through the town square, users browse through
profiles and groups, greeting those they know and introducing themselves to new acquaintances. Sometimes these
online communities evolve as an extension of day-to-day activities, as is the case when students
socialize online after school. These experts argue that, through sites like Facebook, MySpace, and MyFaceLive,
"friendship" is devalued. Learn more about Social Networking with a Twist [http://myfacelive.com] or Majon's Internet
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